Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
When should I sign up for Medicare?
If you are close to 65 but not getting Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits, you will need to sign up for Medicare. Contact Social Security 3 months before you turn 65.
I left my employment and have COBRA coverage; do I have to sign up for Medicare?
COBRA, retiree health plans, VA coverage and individual health coverage are not considered coverage based on current employment. You are not eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to sign up for Medicare when that coverage ends. You should sign up for Medicare when you are first eligible.
I have a Health Savings Account (HSA) can I continue to contribute to it?
You can’t contribute to you HSA once your Medicare coverage begins. However you may use money that is in your HSA to pay for deductibles, premiums, copays or coinsurance.
I am on Medicaid do I need to sign up for Medicare?
You should sign up for Part B. Medicare pays first and Medicaid will pay second. Medicaid may be able to help pay your Medicare out of pocket costs. Be sure to contact your state’s Medicaid office to determine their requirements.
How much does Medicare cost?
You usually don’t pay for Medicare part A if you or your spouse worked for a certain amount of time. In 2020 the Medicare part B premium is $144.60 per month. If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you will pay the standard premium amount and an income related monthly adjustment amount. This is an extra charge added to your premium.
For additional information contact us or go to the Medicare website.